Realistic Workouts for Busy Moms

Don’t look back Mama, you’re not going that way.

Whether it's the pressure to squeeze into your old jeans or the guilt of putting yourself first, the expectations on moms are endless. But we are here to say, SCREW THE BOUNCE BACK. If you are interested in finding a realistic and sustainable health and fitness routine and having a community of moms cheering you on, then Bounce Forward is for you.

Membership Includes

• 250+ On Demand Workouts
• Bi-weekly Lives
• Monthly Fitness Challenges
• Monthly Group Coaching Calls
• Private WhatsApp Group
• and more!

built for busy moms

Bite-sized workouts and wellness tools that actually teach you how to take care of yourself in the busiest season of your life.

Great for pregnancy, postpartum or looking for a challenge!

Find Your Program

Programs for every season you're in.

• Restore Your Core (postpartum)
• Pregnancy Program
• Strength Program
• Mindfulness Program
• New Programs Every Month


Marlie Cohen is the owner of Kale and Krunches Inc., a fitness and lifestyle brand educating and entertaining moms across the globe. After finding her passion for health and fitness while working a 9-5 corporate job, Marlie took the leap and began her fitness career teaching pre and postnatal group fitness classes and personal training clients. She released her Pregnancy Workout Guide while pregnant with her first daughter.

Now as a mom of 2 little girls, Marlie has mastered juggling life, work, kids and keeping up with her health and fitness routine. Marlie is extremely passionate about helping moms reach their health and fitness goals and was inspired to create this membership to help support as many moms as possible!
xo Marlie
FOUNDER, Bounce Forward Co.
Certified Personal Trainer | Canfit Pro
Certified Health Coach | IIN
Certified Pre- & Postnatal Trainer & Coach | GGS

Thank you Marlie! Your membership helped me to start taking care of myself again while being back at work after my mat leave. I subscribed to your platform as a gift to myself and I’m really glad I did because I feel better mentally and physically 💕

Honestly I joined this community because it’s just myself and my husband in Toronto. Both our families live so far away…so this feels like a bunch of sisters sharing advice and sending love without judgment 😊 Thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this group 💖 You’ve created a really beautiful community that I’m proud to be a part of! It all comes together to make this a really, really special judgment free mom family.

Mar. Every time I get on this platform I’m so happy. It really takes the “where the f*ck do I start?” out of postpartum 💪

Your membership includes

  • Access to on-demand workout library of over 200 classes
  • Pregnancy and postpartum safe
  • Access to health coaching library with videos on food, fitness, sleep and mindset
  • 2 live Zoom workout classes/month
  • Monthly group accountability call
  • Masterclasses with guest experts
  • Access to all live recordings
  • Group challenges
  • Secret community access

on the 'gram
